Copy/Paste will come to Windows Phone 7 series some time after launch

Microsoft may be turning its back on copy and paste right now, but says that there just wasn't enough time to have it in place for launch

Microsoft's decision not include true multitasking or copy/paste on shipping version of Windows Phone 7 Series have sparked quite a bit of discussion around the internet in the past few days. The copy/paste drama has been an especially thorny topic. On the one side, you have people saying that it's a travesty considering that Apple, Palm, RIM, and Google support the feature. On the other side, you have people saying that it isn't a big deal and that copy/paste should be relegated to the desktop/notebook realm.

In fact, previous reports suggest that Microsoft agrees with the latter group. Microsoft's Todd Brix says that copy/paste just isn't a big deal to the general consumer. Brix said that the the lack of copy/paste is a "conscious decision" and that “smart linking” (clickable web address, phone numbers, email address, etc.) is all that is needed for the majority of smartphone users. Brix even says that copy/paste on a smartphone platform isn't even needed for mobile Office applications.

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